September Beauty
Capperino Pepper The pepper harvest continues! Loads of gorgeous sweet peppers this week along with some spicy Jalapeños and Capperinos. This land's
September’s Bounty
Benny's tomatoes headed for Lisbon Schools We have been having so much fun sending produce to the Lisbon Schools the last few
It’s Corn & Pepper Time!
Alright bad news first.....the potato digger broke. It's fixable but it will take me a minute (unless someone out there wants to volunteer to
A September feeling August
Sunday Melon Harvest Melons!!! They are big and beautiful this year! Thankfully something was relishing the humid weather we had last month. I
Late July
oh happy day! The piggies got a new home with lush grass and lots of shade. For their first move, they all did very
Cucumber Craze
These prickly little suckers are most peoples favorites. Crunchy, juicy and refreshing, they are perfect for crunching, munching, juicing and maybe even making a cocktail.
Special Simon Edition
We said farewell to Simon on Thursday July 11th. He was my first dog as an adult and I couldn't have asked for a
Early July Heat
We love meeting the natural critters in our fields. This is a sign of a happy garden!! Lots of bugs and soil microbes to
Happy 4th of July!
I would like to take a week to highlight the muscles, brains and love behind the food we provide for you. We have a