Benny & his Buds
We’ve just slipped past the WINTER SOLSTICE, moving into days of longer light. I know for many the dark nights aren’t easy and I hope you are finding peace in knowing that you’re on the other side. I can’t say that I like more dark, but shorter days help transition the farm; the land into it’s restful stage and the farmers into planning mode. These days, winters for me (Keena) aren’t quite as quiet as they used to be….adding 2 high tunnels full of winter greens, a winter market, year round online sales and additional wholesale buyers means more harvesting and shuttling produce. It’s a fine balance, that I am still working on. Trying to find new ways to bring in income without overworking the system (me or the land). Growing winter greens is a luxury in this northern climate. No small feat and they are undeniably delicious! We welcome you to seek us out this winter to snack on our sweet greens and find another small winter wonder.

The Beetle Beater
Winter growing was a huge topic at the 3 day conference I just attended. This picture may mean nothing to you, but to me it’s another ingenious way to deal with the Colorado Potato Beetle that often plagues our spud plants. The New England Vegetable and Fruit conference happens every other year in Manchester, NH. With nearly 3000 attendees and a giant trade show, it’s both the best source of farmer minds in one place aaand a little overwhelming. No suits here, but rather a sea of knit wool, flannel and blaze orange hats; young and old, haggard and spritely. And the beauty? The presentations are given by the farmers! Extension also has a fair number of presentations, but the majority is farmers sharing their experience, trials and errors, so we can learn from each other. In case you didn’t know, farmers are some of the most ingenious (often low on cash) so therefore extremely resourceful group of folks I know. And the science! Wow, we have to know formulas and rates and temperature variants…. We are scientists masquerading in dirty overalls. It’s a place that always humbles, enlightens, energizes me AND reminds me of how hard we, small percentage of the nation, are trying so damn hard to grow great produce for YOU. Many of us there struggle to make ends meet (and there are always talks about the stresses of farming and money), but soooo many folks do it for the wonder of growth and getting good food out there, swallowing the money stress, by paying their employees and not themselves. It is a common theme. A reality. Anyway, just a little look into a farmer’s pants (ha!) and an image of what I’ll be doing this summer (beating beetles).

Winter Sweets!
Ok, I think I had more to say….BUT I have to hop a plane to visit my brother and family for the holiday. I hope yours is full of whatever you need and makes you happy. We will be here when it’s done and we hope you take a bite into our food we love growing for you!