Benny’s tomatoes headed for Lisbon Schools
We have been having so much fun sending produce to the Lisbon Schools the last few weeks. They participate in the Maine Ag in the Classroom License Plates, Harvest of the Month Program, which brings in food samples, recipes, lunches and educational bits on in season local food. It’s a fabulous program that gets kids to try new foods and talk to their parents about local seasonal food. This year I believe the school won a USDA grant, Full plates Full Potential. Another pivotal program that is aiming to end food insecurity in Maine’s children and provide nutritionally valuable food to allow children to succeed. If you are parent, let your kids’ school know that you support them buying fresh local food and understand that it’s value surpasses the higher price. Kitchen staff also need to be trained on processing fresh produce. Giving support to the food director helps them know that the extra effort they are putting in is worth it, seen and appreciated. One of our shareholder’s kids calls all of our produce “Benny’s” and is now happy to see “Benny’s tomatoes” on his plate at school too!

Pick Your Won Flower Garden at its Peak
Not to cause alarm, but it’s September!! We never know when that first cold night is going to zap the most sensitive plants. Be sure to pick flowers, cherry tomatoes and tomatillos while they’re here!

Super fun time of year for FLAVOR
We hope you have been loving the farm share this year. Wow! The melons and tomatoes are exceptional this year. And the eggplant….even if you don’t like it, one must observe how gorgeous it is : ) We have been giddy harvesting (and a little overwhelmed because there is so much to do!!). So grateful for the soil, microbes and fauna that have made this year special on this little patch of earth.

22nd anniversary trip
We left town for the long weekend to celebrate our 22nd wedding anniversary. It’s a near 100% annual canoe/camping trip. This year Benny came along and LOVED it! He enjoyed our hikes more than canoeing but he’s so light footed, that even when he sat on my lap, the boat did not list nor was it too hard to paddle–ha! He has always loved the outdoors and sleeping out there was a dream come true for him. (Although he seemed pretty happy back on his futon Monday night too :)
Thank you all for your happy notes and smiling faces. We couldn’t do this without you! Spread the word — the CSA keeps us running and new families are always welcome! (well, until we sell out…sign up quick : )
This Week’s Bounty: lettuce, kale, red tat soi, beans, hakurei turnip, sweet/hot peppers, onions, scallion, eggplant, toamto, summer squash, cucumber, celery garlic
The Farmers’ Table:
chard lasagna — we use the chard as the noodles. And add lots of other veggies too! Eggplant, carrots, peppers, mushrooms….