Well hello, beautiful!  The cauliflower drank up the late summer rain; and now the clear sunny days are revealing their clown-like faces.  We are keeping the leaves on #1 because they are GORGEOUS and #2 you can EAT THEM!!!  Roast them, stir fry them, toss ’em in a soup, use them as a vehicle for garlic dip….  I know it seems “strange” but cauliflower and broccoli leaves are as delicious as their heady neighbors.  They taste similar to cabbage and why not use every part of this happy plant?!

The eggplant and peppers are still green and full of flowers!  It’s now that I apologize to the plants that I have raised them in zone 4 instead of zone 8/9 where they could keep on trucking another couple months.  (sorry peppers)  The lack of frost has been a blessing after the intense cloudiness summer brought.  It is a labor savor, not having to cover and uncover on a daily basis and it has allowed some late planted crops to get close to full size and definitely full flavor.  You will see lettuce (!) this week and tat soi.  Next week pac choi …. and hopefully chinese cabbage.

It’s the pigs last week this week and we are pampering them with apple drops and corn stalks.  Be sure to walk out and give them some love and thanks before they leave on Sunday.  The crew also bundled up some corn stalks for your fall decorating.  Be sure to pick some up this week!

This is week 1 of 3 left this Summer!  Be sure to “opt in” for auto-renewal in your CSA account, so that you save your spot without worrying about forgetting!  A cool new feature in our accounting software.  While your in there, sign up for the Fall/Winter Shares and a turkey before they’re gone!!

This Week’s Bounty: head lettuce, tat soi, chard, winter/daikon radish, onion, celery, potato, pepper, tomato, cauliflower, edemame, corn, parsley, dill