And then it was fall! The mornings are crisp, the sun shines lower, leaves are changing! On our side of the road, the leaves are still thinking about turning color, but on the north side of Gould, a sparkle of grounded red waves hello. It won’t be long before the pigs and turkeys are wrapped in an autumn boa. Speaking of farm animals, they have been side by side most of the summer and are becoming quite the neighbors. The morning gossip is especially lively and often the ducks are seen in the midst. (They are probably the ones who get the pigs and turks going!) Be sure to pop them a visit before mid October. There are apple drops along the hedge row beside the hoop house and the pigs love gifts…
And speaking of colorful boas….. CARROTS!!! they (along with the lettuce) have been undeniably absent this summer but are peaking their heads into the share this week. yay! We hope they brighten your day and your palettes!
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Fall & Winter Shares
need cooking ideas? join Eating Seasonally with Little Ridge Farm facebook group and share! We just added our favorite Veggie Soup recipe
This Week’s Bounty: spinach, carrots, kohl rabi, red beets, pepper, tomato, eggplant, dill, parsley, basil, corn (?), spaghetti/buttercup squash