Fall Colors Shine Bright

Wow, what amazing weather we are having! Albeit a be warmer than usual, it is starting to feel like fall. I CANNOT BELIEVE it is the end of September! It still feels like the end of August to me and I am a little worried I am going to get caught with a lot of food in the fields when cold weather does hit. Normally by now we are well into fall carrot harvest, but with the warmer weather, we are still finding lots of other farm tasks to do!

Naked Greenhouse

….Like reskinning the greenhouse. It was on the schedule for last fall however time slipped away and here we are. I am hoping for warm air and no wind Wednesday midday to get this done. In my head, it does not seem as daunting as the hoop houses, as it is much smaller, however I need to brace myself for the unknown glitches : ) Maybe there will be none!

Pumpkin Packing

We have found ourselves in a crate shortage and have been forced to be creative in our fall harvest and winter storage. (Hence the pumpkins and acorn squash piled in front of the barn.) We built a “pallet bin” in the basement and have started to pack winter squash in it. Unless a squash decides to rot right in the center of the pile, I think this new system will be effective. Storing them in crates is tricky as the squash are odd shaped and do not fit well in a small square. Cheers to fall flavors and inventions!

This Week’s Bounty: lettuce, arugula, tat soi, carrot, pepper, onion, tomato, acorn squash