bronze breasted turkey poult

The little turkeys are enjoying life! We expanded their pen this weekend, so now they are using it like a runway. They have a huge screen window to the outside and they love chasing the flies and moths that make their way through. They would have so much fun in the grass, but I can’t let them out for a few more weeks as they are so small they will squeeze through the fence and then “peep peep peep! I am lost! help!” non stop. Soon my feathered friends, very soon you will make your way into the great outdoors.

John washing beets with an audience

Every year we grow several thousand pounds of vegetables for the Good Shephard Food Bank. This week we started to harvest beets allocated for them and the ducks had so much fun. They helped harvest in the field and then they helped wash. They had such a big day, they put themselves to bed by 7pm!

I cannot believe it is the end of July already. Summer always flies by, but this year seems like a blur…didn’t we just plant those onion seedlings that are now ready for harvest?! The wonderful thing about it being late July is that the diversity of vegetables kicks up a notch cucumbers and summer squashes have made their appearance and peppers and tomatoes are not far behind. It’s the flavors of summer we have all been waiting for!

This Week’s Bounty: cabbage, tat soi, young leeks, summer squash, zucchini, cucumber, carrots, broccoli, basil

The Farmer’s Table (a look into our meals)

Baked summer squash with red sauce and cheese. We love this sauce…. we cook one of our hamsteaks in a quart of our canned tomatoes. Then use the sauce in a dish and the hamsteak in a separate dish.

Zach sliced the summer squash, quick marinated it in garlic scape puree, salt and oil then baked it at 400.

Topped it with sauce and cheese and baked it again at 450 til cheese melted.

On the side we had sautéed broccoli — yum!!!!