Summer is Here! 

…and so are the Devon cows!  Ten steers arrived Saturday afternoon from Wales, Maine.  We let them settle in their round pen for a few hours and them released them into their pasture.  They certainly tested their boundaries, but thankfully there were no escapees!  A big THANK YOU to the Breton-Tuplin’s who let us rent their pasture.  They are a huge help…I could not do it without them!

 ..and so is the rain!  Near 1.5″, yes!!!  I think the crops, livestock and farmers alike were rejoicing!!!

…and so are the strawberries!!!  PYO opens this Tuesday at noon for meat and veggie shareholders only.  (Sorry, we are not open to the public.)  Come pick some yummy berries while the piggies watch you in the distance : )
This week’s bounty:
lettuce, parsnips, carrots, hakurei turnips, purple kohl rabi, radish/arugula?, chard, sugar snap peas, spinach, scallions, rhubarb and strawberries!
The Farmer’s Table:
*pulled pork on a potato roll, carrot and beet salad
*amazing lettuce and arugula salads
*strawberry rhubarb crumble (a Smitten Kitchen recipe)
Shareholder’s Table:
I parboiled the radish tops along with the asparagus and carrots, then grilled over the fire. 
5 star!