I find beets to be one of those you either love them or you hate them kinda veg. Personally, I love them…shredded raw, pickled, roasted, baked in brownies…anything that can naturally turn your skin a color must be good for you! A classic fall beet dish is borscht. It is a flavorful hearty stew and uses many of the vegetables available at this time if year. I will also unveil my beet brownie recipe once again. Well, it’s not really “mine” but I found it in this great cookbook called “Gardener’s Community Cookbook”. It is a fabulous collection of recipes from all over the states. Mostly they are simple recipes, but very tasty–unique ways to eat fresh veg.
So I am a sucker for kittens. They were buy one get one free! I just couldn’t help it.
Ahhhhh! A little break on Moosehead Lake.
Today is raining. It always seems to do this right before a frost, which makes harvesting a tad uncomfortable. Luckily it is not too cold a rain. I am planning on getting quite a bit in this wed/thurs, if anyone wants to get dirty : )
The tomatoes are just about done. Seems like the theme for this season–a rush of color and juice, then gone. Feast or famine, chow when you can. I have been feeling a bit gluttonous this year. First it was peas, then beans, then corn (man I ate alot of corn), melons and then tomatoes…now we are moving into winter squash. Oh and onions, but for some reason onions seem a little bit tougher to be gluttonous with. I cut up 16 about an hour ago for catsup and my eyes are still burning!
PYO Pumpkin Party and Potluck this Saturday from 10-2!!!!
This Week’s Loot: lettuce, onions, carrots, beets, potatoes, kale, winter squash tomatoes
Next week’s Loot: spinach, onions, carrots, pumpkins, chinese cabbage?
Beet Brownies
4 oz unsweetened choc
1 stick butter, room temp
1/2 pound trimmed, cooked and pureed beets
3/4 cup raspberry jam
2 eggs
1/4 tsp salt
1.5 cups sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 c flour
1. preheat to 350, lightly grease a 13×9
2. melt choc and butter, add the beets and 1/4 cup of the jam, whisk til smooth
3. crack eggs into a bowl, add salt, beat until foamy. add sugar and vanilla. whisk in choc beet mix, add the flour and whisk until smooth. pour into baking pan
4. gently melt remaining jam and drizzle it over top of batter. bake 25-30 min.
Chocolate Sour Cream Topping
5oz semisweet choc, melted
1/3 c sour cream
1 tsp vanilla
whisk together until smooth and spread over cooled brownies