Yeah the sun is shining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Freezing/Canning beans for sale. $2.00/#. They will be set up in the barn on the big scale behind the welcome sign. Help yourself and leave money in the cash box. Feel free to buy for friends and family. Extra potatoes are for sale too, $2.00/#. Let me know of you are interested.
Speaking of money, Please be sure to pay your IOU’s and when you do throw your slip away!
This Week’s Loot: The last of the sugar snap peas, hakuri turnips, baby carrots, summer squash/zucchini, potatoes, A tomato, beans, lettuce, chard, dill, cilantro
Next Week’s Loot: The last of the Hakuri Turnips, beets, summer squash/zucchini, beans, lettuce, onions, basil
stampfen means pounding or stamping, bohnen means beans
1 # taters
1.5 # green beans
6-8Tbs butter
1 cup chopped onions
Roughly chop potatoes and cut beans into one inch pieces. Cover taters with salted water and bring to a boil, cooking gently for about 15 minutes. Add beans and cook another 10 minutes or until all veggies are soft.
Melt butter and saute onions. Drain veggies, setting aside some of the liquid. mash taters and beans together until taters are mashed and beans are broken up. Ad cooking liquid as needed. Add butter and onions and remaining Tbs of butter, if desired.