Little Ridge Farm

Fresh. Local. Organic.

Nutritious, Flavor-filled Food

Your whole family will eat!

Do you want food that’s simple to cook? Our produce doesn’t feel like a chore to make and it tastes amazing too.

Let us spoil you with flavor — customers rave their kids will only eat fresh produce from Little Ridge Farm.

The site of the Little Ridge Farm  

“It’s like having our own garden but Little Ridge does all the work.”
– Judi, a happy summer share customer

Here’s How to Buy Our Farm Raised Products

CSA Harvest Shares

Shareholders choose from a diverse selection of fresh produce year round. Pick up here at the farm or at one of our auxiliary locations. Summer and Winter Shares available. SNAP recipients may get 50% off with the Maine Harvest Bucks program.

FarmDrop – our Online Farmer’s Market

Order online year ’round from a huge selection of local products and pick up your order here at Little Ridge Farm.

Beef, Pork & Turkey Shares

Our animals are extremely happy, healthy and flavorful! We believe in rotational grazing for happy animals, healthy soil and high quality meat. Rotational grazing means that the animals are frequently moved to fresh space so that the preceding ground may recover.

Choice. Convenience. Flavor. We grow our food with love and are excited to share it with our community! Our food is fresh and approachable. We offer many different share types and sizes to fit any taste and budget.

The Market-Style Shares (Full, Half, Mini and Flex) are for folks who want to hand pick their produce. They also enjoy coming to the farm and possibly seeing the animals or picking a flower bouquet.

The Customizable Pre-Bagged shares (weekly or bi-weekly) are for folks who want fresh tasting produce, but do not have the time to pick it out themselves. Instead we custom pack your share and you pick it up at one of our convenient locations.

We offer a work share opportunity that allows one to get a more hands on experience with the farm in exchange for a discount on their share price. Please contact us if you are interested!

The cows are rotated through a pasture that we lease from a neighbor. Rotational grazing promotes soil growth, pasture health and cow health. The cows are moved every few days to fresh grass enabling them to choose the healthiest grass rather than overgraze the entire pasture. They have 24 hour access to water and shade.

All of the animals are born on a family farm in Wales, Maine. Because I have limited pasture and winter shelter, some of the beef is finished there in the same fashion we do here.

Their entire life is spent outside rooting in fresh grass! As soon as they have dug up their space, we move the pigs to fresh pasture. We plant cover crops (grasses) where the pigs just moved from to keep the soil healthy and covered to prevent erosion and compaction. We supplement their grazing diet with certified organic grain and other fruits and vegetables culled from the fields. They have a moveable hut to take a shady nap in during the day and to get cozy in at night. They receive plenty of fresh water and scratches behind the ears. We love hanging out with them and laughing at their happy life.

Buy Fresh Flavor Now

Market Style at Farm CSA Share

Summer squash, zucchini, beets with greens, and head lettuce  

Customizable Pre-Bagged CSA Share

Eggs, vegetables, and flowers  

Pasture Raised Beef

Two cows grazing in a vibrant green field dotted with yellow flowers.

Pasture Raised

Two pigs

Pasture Raised Turkey

Thank you for loving local.


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