Alright bad news first…..the potato digger broke. It’s fixable but it will take me a minute (unless someone out there wants to volunteer to do it?) It just needs new bearings, I have a parts list : ) The soil has been heavy and wet, so we haven’t been able to dig. We might have pushed this little rig a bit too hard last week. We managed to get a row in, which gives us enough taters for everyone to get a small taste this week. Thanks for your patience with the spuds. Don’t worry, you’ll have all winter to dine on them ;)
Now for the good news….sooooooo many beautiful PEPPERS!! and CORN this week! Sweet and juicy and just gorgeous to look at, you might want to paint them before you eat (as noted by one fine customer). They are super fun to harvest, it’s like putting up Christmas ornaments but in reverse : )
And then there’s the BEANS! yellow, purple & green. So happy and snappy. We are spending about 95% of our days harvesting and 5% prepping shares and orders. It’s a fun time of year! We do still have some weeds we’d like to pull though, if anyone’s feeling frisky, let me know.

Market open 7 days a week, daylight hours
Spread the news that we have a small Veggie Stand now open. Self-serve. Exact change or Venmo. Pop-in for some extra veg. or get your friends hooked on LRF produce so they’ll join the CSA : )
Sending lots of gratitude to y’all for loving us as much as we love you. Heading back out to harvest, see you soon!
This Week’s Bounty: lettuce, chard, onion, scallion, sweet/hot peppers, melon, tomato, cucumber, summer squash, corn, potato, basil