Sunday Melon Harvest

Melons!!!  They are big and beautiful this year!  Thankfully something was relishing the humid weather we had last month.  I was tooling around on my tractor on Sunday, as a farmer might do, and noticed “some” ripe melons.  I pulled over to gather them, rather clumsily as I had no harvest containers, and filled the whole tractor bucket!  I looked a wee bit like a clown trying to juggle bowling balls : )  We hope you are loving their sweet juiciness!  We sure are — such a summer treat.

Kira and benny celebrating the garlic

We had a super successful garlic harvest a couple weeks ago!  You will find them in your share this week.  Big and flavorful, we recommend using half the amount you normally would to avoid potential garlic overload.  This photo is about 1/3 of the total crop.  They will dry in the barn and be stored for winter shares.  Talk a walk by JP on the ridge and smell their extravagance!

Turkeys and trying out their new waterer

The turkeys are quickly passing through their growth phases: 1) super cute and fluffy 2) tiny tetradactyl 3) curious gobbler (current stage).  Their feathers are starting to get the adult sheen, but their behaviors remains young—they are soooo curious!  We are tossing some spotty tomatoes in the pen and they are hilarious running around playing “chase” with them.  They love visitors and getting gobbled at, be sure to visit them.  They move about every 3 days to a fresh patch of grass.  Benny has been showing off his herding skills when we move the birds, he’s actually quite impressive (and cutely pleased with himself).

SPEAKING OF TURKEYS — be sure to reserve your whole bird for the Holiday!

$40 deposit, they will be ready late October.

Parts (breasts, ground etc) will be for sale individually late October.


This Week’s Bounty: lettuce, beets, celery, leeks, scallions, eggplant, tomato, pepper, cucumber, summer squash, basil, garlic, melon

NEXT week we hope to have potatoes, the wet weather has been making it hard to harvest.  AND the corn just might be ready tooooooo!